ara pacis description

The altar, which is set on a four steps base, was sculpted in marble from Luna. The east and west sides of the Ara Pacis Augustae in Rome, Italy each bears two main reliefs, although the reliefs themselves have survived to differing degrees . L’Ara Pacis Augustae ou Altare della Pace d’Auguste a été officiellement ouvert 4 ans plus tard, le 9 avant J.-C.. Un merveilleux monument dédié à la paix et à la prospérité que le royaume de l’empereur Cesare Auguste avait apporté à Rome. The Ara Pacis, a monument to Augustus Caesar and an altar for religious celebration of peace, perfectly exemplified Augustusí program of cultural revival and captured the spirit of his reign through its Golden Age motif. The entirety was raised on a marble base with steps leading into the precinct space. The Tellus Panel . The Ara Pacis Augustae (Latin, "Altar of Augustan Peace"; commonly shortened to Ara Pacis) is an altar in Rome dedicated to Pax, the Roman goddess of Peace.The monument was commissioned by the Roman Senate on July 4, 13 BC to honour the return of Augustus to Rome after three years in Hispania and Gaul and consecrated on January 30, 9 BC. The Ara Pacis was built on a low lying part of the Campus Martius down by the river, and it soon suffered from flooding, so eventually it was overthrown and smashed into numerous small pieces which were buried under deep layers of silt. Ce monument en marbre célèbre la … Description: The Ara Pacis Augustae is a monumental altar. The museum was designed by the international architect Richard Meier and has been subject to much controversy and criticism. The interpretation of the reliefs has been the subject of scholarly debate. The "new" Ara Pacis Museum in Rome opened in the spring of 2006. Ara Pacis, Roma Appunto di Storia dell'arte con la descrizione dell'Ara pacis, un altare realizzato all'epoca del classicismo augusteo che si trova a Roma e che fu inaugurato in data 30 gennaio 9 a.C. The altar is surrounded by walls. In descriptions of the Ara Pacis, it is important to understand whether directions are specified according to the way the Ara Pacis originally stood, or the way it now stands in the museum. The Ara Pacis Augustae, or Altar of Augustan Peace, was completed in 9 BCE. Both the altar proper and its enclosing structure were heavily ornamented with relief carving. There are two gates, the first located on the eastern wall and the other on the western one. L’Ara Pacis Introduction : L’Ara Pacis est un autel de la paix construit entre 13 et 9 avant Jésus Christ sous le règne de l’Empereur Auguste. To avoid the confusion of these differing directions, my photographs and description are identified using the Name (third column) in the table below. The altar complex consisted of an interior altar surrounded by a stone precinct wall. Il fit bâtir cet autel en l’honneur de la Paix qu’il a su apporter à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de l’Empire. Created October 2005 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 21H.402, The Making of a Roman Emperor Four … The Ara Pacis, a more than 2,000 year old "Altar of Peace" that was used (paradoxically) for sacrifices, is a commanding work of Roman art and architecture that had been lost to civilization for centuries.